
Trailer Review: Max Payne!

"Remember when you were a kid, and you held your breath as you ran past the Graveyard?"

Written By JoeRo

The truth is, video game adaptations are not the most beloved genre, and their filmmakers have a historic streak of stomping on my heart, over and again. However, I feel some good vibrations (feel it! feel it!) from this look at "Max Payne". Wahlly's voice in the opening is shockingly remniscient of Stallone's gravelly vocals in Cobra, but coated in more disdain. The music and visuals bring me back to my sophomore year in high school, when I ravaged the entirety of Max Payne's nemeses through the aid of cheat codes and a lacking social life. What I enjoy most about the trailer is that the editors sell this vengeance tale primarily as a dark crime drama, but still send the message that Max Payne has a nauseating hit list.

I can't believe I'm thinking this but, I'm actually excited for a Mark Wahlburg picture. Don't get me wrong, I loved Wahlly's supporting role in "The Departed", but other than "Boogie Nights" I can never get on board with Marky Mark being the lead. I'm thinking that of all his leading roles, he must identify with Max the most. I mean, who wouldn't be out for vengeance after starring in M. Night Shammalammadingdong's latest wasted opportunity.

Regardless of any trailer nitpickings, one final tidbit that gives me hope is that "Max Payne" has nothing to do with either Uwe Boll or Paul Anderson.

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