
Poll Results: June 26 - July 10

Alright, I'm guilty. My first weekly poll actually lasted for two weeks, making it a bi-weekly poll, which makes me wonder if the poll is attracted to both female polls and male poles...er, polls. Anywho, here's the question I asked of you fine folks:

Which trilogy was most tarnished/ruined this summer?

And the responses poured in!

...well, they trickled in. Here's the results!

Spider-Man 40% (4 votes)
Ocean's Eleven 30% (3 votes)
Pirates of the Caribbean 20% (2 votes)
Shrek 10% (1 votes)
Die Hard 0% (0 votes)

Looks like the "winner" is also one of my choices for worst film of the year, Spider-Man 3! I was also delighted to discover that nobody voted for Die Hard, meaning that everybody, including you, loved the film! Or maybe they just thought the franchise was already in the gutter, in which case the new film couldn't ruin the series any further. Or maybe they didn't see the new movie. Or maybe they didn't even vote. Hmm...guess that's why I don't claim my polls to be scientifically perfect.

I also find it funny that the program running the polls at PollDaddy.com classifies a single vote as '1 votes.' A computer program can defeat humans in chess, allow me to instantly procure images of what the offspring of Dakota Fanning and Shia LeBouf would look like, and send California governors back in time to kill people, but they can't correctly identify that a single vote isn't plural! Amazing!

Anywho, feel free to check out the brand new poll, located to the right of this post. It's a real stumper, a true brain-strainer, and a tongue twister all in one! An amazing riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.


I'm going to go cry myself to sleep.

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